Congress | SOFMER – 37th Congress of the French Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Congress | SOFMER – 37th Congress of the French Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation The Dessintey team is introducing you the new IVS4 device dedicated to lower limb on our booth 16. For patients with stroke, orthopedic injuries or chronic pain,...
Media | Our IVS technology on French TV | World Stroke Day
MEDIA | Our IVS technology on French TV | World Stroke Day Dessintey’s technology on France 5 (French TV channel) for the 2022 World Stroke Day with a focus on the IVS4 device for the Lower limbs. 📺Watch France Télévisions – Magazine de la...
Congress | Dessintey at MEDICA – Leading International Trade Fair
CONGRESS | Dessintey at MEDICA – Leading International Trade Fair The Dessintey team was present at the Medica Congress in Düsseldorf 🇩🇪 This was a great moment to talk about Intensive Visual Simulation and to show our rehabilitation devices: the IVS3 dedicated...
Journée Mondiale | Un AVC toutes les cinq secondes dans le monde
JOURNÉE MONDIALE | Un AVC toutes les cinq secondes dans le monde Première cause de handicap de l’adulte en France, 1 400 000 personnes sont touchées par un AVC en Europe et 12 millions dans le Monde chaque année. L’OMS parle de pandémie et projette une augmentation de...