📺 | Our IVS4 again highlighted on France5, French TV

07 November 2023

The French television program „Health survey“ broadcast a special program yesterday dedicated to STROKE.

Our IVS4 technology was highlighted for the rehabilitation of stroke patients.

I look and feel like I’m doing the movement. I work mentally“ says Mr Tamir.

🧠 Lower Limb movement observation with IVS automatically induces a cortical sensorimotor activation.

👉 IVS is a unique technology dedicated to motor planning and central control of movement

👉 A new approach to visuomotor simulation training approaches (mirror therapy – motor imagery – action observation), to simulate movement, and stimulate brain plasticity

👉 A new way to focus on body awareness and embodiment which are essential to motor recovery or pain treatment

#WorldStrokeDay #Medtech #Dessintey #MadeinFrance #Stroke #Innovation