Congress | 2022 WFNR in Vienna, Austria
Congress | 2022 WFNR in Vienna, Austria We are in Vienna (Austria) for the World Federation of Neurorehabilitation (WFNR). 👉 Great place to showcase our unique technology dedicated to motor planning and central control of movement. IVS3 for Upper Limb IVS4 for Lower...
Congress | 2022 DGNR Congress in Dresden – Germany
Congress | 2022 DGNR Congress in Dresden – Germany Dessintey took part in the DGNR Congress in Dresden, Germany, which was running from 8th – 10th of December. 👉 The most important congress of the year for Neurorehabilitation in Germany and held by the German...
Congress | SOFMER – 37th Congress of the French Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Mr. Christopher Markus – Head of Occupational Therapy Team – Herford Therapy Center, DE Testimonial from Mr. Christopher Markus, Head of Occupational Therapy Team at the Herford Therapy Center, DE. The aspect of movement observation complements the therapy...
Media | Our IVS technology on French TV | World Stroke Day
Mr. Christopher Markus – Head of Occupational Therapy Team – Herford Therapy Center, DE Testimonial from Mr. Christopher Markus, Head of Occupational Therapy Team at the Herford Therapy Center, DE. The aspect of movement observation complements the therapy...