Scientific Board

Dessintey is built on the latest scientific advancements in neuroscience and works closely with doctors, researchers, and rehabilitation specialists.

To support this ongoing innovation and continuously improve patient recovery, the company has established a scientific committee made up of renowned experts in neuroscience.

This committee, consisting of international researchers and professionals, will contribute to advancing research and sharing scientific findings related to IVS (Intensive Visual Simulation) technology.

Committee members

Pr. Joel Stein

Pr Joël Stein

Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine, Columbia University (US)

dr muller - dessintey

Dr. Friedemann Müller

Head of Department of Neurology,
Schön Klinik (DE)

Dr. Franco Molteni

Dr. Franco Molteni

Clinical Director
Villa Beretta
Rehabilitation Center (IT)

portrait professeur Pascal Giraux

Pr Pascal Giraux

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
CHU Saint-Étienne (FR)

Jens Bansi, PhD

Dr. Jens Bansi

Head Research & Development
Kliniken Valens (CH)

Davy Luneau, scientific coordinator, Dessintey

Davy Luneau

Scientific Coordinator
Dessintey (FR)

Why a Scientific Board for Dessintey?

Today, Dessintey has gathered extensive feedback on IVS technology, including patient cases, results observed from using this therapy, and its combination with other techniques and approaches.

However, we believe it is essential to explain the importance of mental simulation, provide recommendations, collaborate on scientific programs, and continue innovating to further accelerate patients’ recovery and return to independence.

For this reason, the Scientific Committee is focusing on three key areas:


Clinical expertise

  • Establishing protocols and recommendations to support the implementation and use of IVS technology in rehabilitation centers.
  • Developing relevant combinations with other therapeutic techniques to enhance rehabilitation outcomes.

Scientific research

  • Building connections between leading expertise centers across Europe to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Establishing a strategic approach for research programs to drive innovation and scientific advancements in rehabilitation.


  • Publish and promote scientific studies.
  • Share research findings at various international conferences.
  • Make scientific evidence accessible to support the implementation of IVS technology.