Symposium | Clinic Les Trois Soleils (FR) 20 years therapeutic innovations
🧠 A great opportunity to communicate on the most advanced results in the fields of stroke, neuroplasticity and therapeutic innovations in neurological rehabilitation, alongside nationally and internationally renowned speakers (among which Dylan James Edwards, Ph. D., P.T. & Alberto Esquenazi from MossRehab)
🤝 Very interesting conversation with Pr KBREBS on combining robot-assisted therapy with IVS3 – visuomotor simulation approaches to improve motor recovery.
🎤 Prof Pascal Giraux head of research and clinical applications at Dessintey, provided an interesting intervention sharing the last updates about mirror therapy and visual illusions used in the post Stroke rehabilitation (including EEG)
Congrats Christophe Duret & Anne-Gaëlle Grosmaire
. #symposium #avc #rehabilitation #medtech #neuroplasticity